2025-26 overview
For the 2025-2026 school year, we will meet two days per week: Mondays and Wednesdays. Our first day will be 8/13/25 and our last day will be 5/11/26. We will be off all of the weeks from Thanksgiving through New Year's and one week at spring break. We will observe Monday & Wednesday holidays.
Daily Schedule
Arrive: 8:00 am
Setup: 8:00 am - 8:15 am
Transition: 8:15 am (Everyone inside - bathroom, drinks, hand washing, seated in sanctuary for Assembly by 8:20 am)
Block 1: 8:30 am – 10:00 am (History/LA)
Break: 10:00 am – 10:30 am
Block 2: 10:35 am – 12:00 pm (Science)
Lunch: 12:00 pm – 12:55 pm
Block 3: 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm (Grammar/Literature - Elementary & Middle School)
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm (Elective/Study Hall - High School only)
Clean up and restore campus to original condition/configuration.
Click here to view the academic calendar.
This list will be updated and a link posted prior to Florida's Tax Free Shopping days.
Click the curriculum name for a link to learn more about each curriculum. Our goal is to conduct as many hands-on and/or interactive classroom experiences for our students as possible. To that end, there will be some work at home.
Elementary: Science will pre-read the science text at home before class, so you only need one textbook per family unless you want your children to each have a copy in their class. History will pre-read the text at home before class, so you only need one textbook per family unless you want your children to each have a copy in class. Writing will be done within the history class with some work being completed at home, and materials will be provided to each family. Grammar and literature work will be done both in class and at home. All classes may have some projects or presentations to work on at home.
Middle School: In order to have more discussions and activities in class, there will be work at home to be prepared for class. Grammar will be done both in class and at home. Literature will be read at home in preparation for class activities and discussions. Writing will be done within the history class with some work being completed at home, and materials will be provided to each family. Each student should have a text book for history and science to complete pre-reading and to bring to class to reference for discussions. If that is cost-prohibitive, please speak to the teacher about using a single family copy. All classes may have some projects or presentations to work on at home.
High School: In order to have more discussions and activities in class, there will be work at home to be prepared for each class. Literature will be read at home in preparation for class activities and discussions. Writing will be done within the history class with some work being completed at home, and materials will be provided to each family. Elective materials will be provided to families and some work will be done at home to prepare for class. Each student should have a text book for history and science to complete pre-reading and to bring to class to reference for discussions. If that is cost-prohibitive, please speak to the teacher about using a single family copy. All classes may have some projects or presentations to work on at home.
Grades K-4th/5th*: Story of the World - Volume 1: Ancient Times and Activity Book 1: Ancient Times
5th/6th-8th**: Notgrass - From Adam to Us Curriculum Package
High School: Notgrass - Exploring World History Curriculum Package
*Fifth grade students may want to jump up to Notgrass - From Adam to Us now to get the full two years, but would be fine taking Story of the World, Volume 1 and doing the second half of From Adam to Us as a sixth grader.
**An eighth grader may want to stick with From Adam to Us for both years, but could also jump into Exploring World History for their second year instead.
Grade K: Apologia Exploring Creation with Zoology 3: Land Animals of the Sixth Day* (textbook only)
Please do not purchase a separate Notebooking Journal unless you want your student to have a complete spiral for your own use. We will provide them with the pages they need, which your student will accumulate in a binder. (Please note: if purchased, you will have additional prep work to help the K-2 teacher ready your student's Notebooking Journal for class).
Grades 1-2: Apologia Exploring Creation with Zoology 3: Land Animals of the Sixth Day* [set]
Grades 3-5/6: Apologia Exploring Creation with Zoology 3: Land Animals of the Sixth Day* [set]
*Please wait to order the Apologia Zoology 3 materials as the company is releasing a new version this spring/summer.
Grades 6-8: Apologia General Science [pack]
This course could also include 9th graders who do not want to begin Biology yet or those who haven't taken General Science.
High School Biology: MasterBooks Biology Textbook & Teacher Guide with Student Pages [set]
This course could also include 8th graders who have already taken General Science.
High School Chemistry: BJU Chemistry [pack]
Prerequisite Requirement of Algebra I
It is recommended that Algebra 2 be taken as a corequisite with Chemistry, meaning students should be taking both at the same time.
Literature & Grammar
Note: Elementary and middle school students will use block 3 for literature (from history curriculum) and grammar (Fix It). They will work in units (6 weeks of Fix It Grammar followed by 6 weeks of Literature).
-- Literature --
Grade K-4th/5th: TBD - Literature from Story of the World, Volume 1
Grade 5th/6th-8th: From Adam to Us Literature Package
Kindergarten: Rod and Staff Grade 1 Phonics Workbooks: Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3
Grade 1: Rod and Staff Grade 1 Phonics Workbooks: Unit 4, Unit 5, Unit 6 & A.C.E. English Level 2 Paces 1013-1020 (1 per student)
Grade 2: Rod and Staff Grade 2 Phonics Workbooks: Unit 1 Units 2 & 3 Units 4 & 5 & Editor In Chief Beginning 1
Grades 3-5: Fix-It! Grammar Level 1: Nose Tree [set] --or-- Continue with next book on Fix-It track [set] (You may purchase just the student book if you don't want the teacher's guide)
Grades 6-8: Continue with next book on Fix-It track [set] (You may purchase just the student book if you don't want the teacher's guide)
Note: If your student has not done Fix-It! Grammar before or if they have already completed the book/s listed for their grade, reach out and we'll figure out which book you should order.
-- SPELLING -- On your own at home.
High School Electives
Block 3 will be used for elective classes or a study hall for high school aged students.
First Semester - Speech: This curriculum is being put together by the teacher. The class fee will reflect printouts needed by students.
Second Semester - TBD
Our Pre-K students will use a Complete Preschool Program curriculum from Rod & Staff Publishing to learn the sounds of each letter, letter formation of both lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, sequencing, and more. Math, Science, and History will be integrated throughout each week using thematic unit studies, as well as, using the workbooks provided within the purchased curriculum. Students will learn to play with peers, explore, and build self-confidence.
Preschool Complete (Consumables) Program Set
Math: Integrated with Thematic Unit Studies, as well as Saxon Math 1 Meeting Book (This calendar and weather book will be used during morning calendar time.)
Science & Social Studies: Thematic Unit Studies
Fine Arts: Music/Art/Dance/Rhythm/Movement
Cornerstone Cottage Academics is a parent-led academic co-op that meets in Navarre, Florida.
We welcome like-minded students who desire a Christian worldview and excellence-based education.